Monday, November 16, 2009

Literary Magazine?

While sharing some work from my school's literary magazine, a student suggested we compile our own. So, check this blog to find updates of awesome student work, that we may eventually compile into a book.

Also- you should feel very honored if your work is included. If you would like me to add your name instead of just your initial, let me know.


It is wrinkled. Made smooth. It is shiny, small. It looks like the end of a horn. The bottom is round and smooth. It also kind of looks like a cup. It crumples when you try to open it up. It makes the sound of a paper plate rubbed against a table. It tears open easily like a present you get for Christmas. It kind of smells like caramel. It smells like hot cocoa. It fills your mouth with chocolately goodness. Creamy like a chocolate shake or ice cream.
