Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Advertisements for Sentence Types

Yo! It's time for you to vote on your favorite MC! We got MC Compound with his latest album, "FANBOYS!" Using lyrics of words like but, or, your , and, so, for, and yet! His rhymes will inspire! FANBOYS is in stores now!
Then we have the dopest rapper Lil' Plex with his hit album "Independent and Dependent (clauses)." It includes the intense lyrics of reality, story, and more. To vote, text "English" to 555566. Vote now on your favorite MCs. -N and K

The simple sentence is the way to go. People get it faster, and you'll have something to show. Like when you don't have time, or when you're running late, say a simple sentence, and be on your way. Sometimes it's easier to go the simple way, instead of compound or complex that take all day. -I

ATTENTION ALL TRMAN STUDENTS AND STAFF! I'm here to announce the return of compound sentences. Harder is smarter. It's like the old saying: two heads are better than one. But in this case, two sentences are better than one. Simple is too easy, complex is too hard. Compound is just right. Because two things put together makes life so much easier, come to room 216 and get your compound sentences today. -T and H

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Incredible Intervals!

Have you ever had a time when something you did didn't end how you wanted? Ever wish you could go back in time and change it and get the results you wanted? I have and I'm going to tell you about that time.
I was maybe a year and a half old when my mom and real dad got a divorce. I was in the hospital still. I had needles in my throat and my head. My mom wouldn't take me out of my crib because she was afraid that I was going to get my needle pins pushes in farther than necessary. My dad picked me up, put me to sleep, and acted like he cared, but he didn't.
Once I was home, he never wanted to be bothered with me at all. He wouldn't play games with me, and he wouldn't even touch me. It's like I was a disease to him. So my mom saw how he was acting and realized that he didn't want to be bothered with me or her.
He used to beat her. And then one day he beat her while she was ironing and my mom got so fed up with him she decided to pick up the iron and burn him in his back. Then that was it. He tried to cut her arm with this huge, long, and sharp knife. But he couldn't because he realized that I was right there watching and he didn't want me to see, so he put the knife down and left out of the house and got in his truck and left.
I was crying so much my mom couldn't get me to stop. Then my mom divorced him. She put him on child support. I saw him every now and then, but when I made eight years old, he came to my birthday party. With a gun in his hand.
He tried to shoot me! He said I didn't need to be alive. I was just sitting there thinking, "What in the world are you thinking?!" My mom called the cops. They came and asked questions. Then they took him to jail.
Now I'm thirteen years old. I have a new dad. He takes care of me. He loves me. He actually takes time to play games, watch a movie, or just listen to me for a little while. But he cares and he's a real father. No real man would ever try to kill their child. My real dad is still in jail where he belongs. And I'm just living my life without him in it.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Killer Descriptions! Practicing Original Similes

A report card is like...
-waiting for a shot
-your head is getting stabbed
-getting an old fashioned grandma butt whoopin
-like a death penalty
-betting everything you have on Jeopardy

The texture of oatmeal is like...
...a bowl of wet beads.

An announcement that school is cancelled is like...
your hole boddy is getting showered in joy and you got electraquted with happyness

The sound of the alarm clock in the morning is like...
the devil screaming

The shimmer of a brand-new pair of shoes...
looks better than a new born baby.
-It's like getting a new TV that you can wear.

The taste of a po-boy is like...
taking a five second trip to heaven.

A pair of old gym sneakers...
-smells like a skunk mixed with old moth balls.
-smells like somebody's grandma's breath in the morning

An old lady's skin is like...
-smooth silk that just came out of a warm dryer.
-wrinkled like a dried up orange.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Literary Magazine?

While sharing some work from my school's literary magazine, a student suggested we compile our own. So, check this blog to find updates of awesome student work, that we may eventually compile into a book.

Also- you should feel very honored if your work is included. If you would like me to add your name instead of just your initial, let me know.


It is wrinkled. Made smooth. It is shiny, small. It looks like the end of a horn. The bottom is round and smooth. It also kind of looks like a cup. It crumples when you try to open it up. It makes the sound of a paper plate rubbed against a table. It tears open easily like a present you get for Christmas. It kind of smells like caramel. It smells like hot cocoa. It fills your mouth with chocolately goodness. Creamy like a chocolate shake or ice cream.
